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Vermicelli Coconut Pudding

Published on January 21, 2016


1/3 cup roasted vermicelli / semiya

2 cups milk

1/3 cup lightly roasted coconut

150 ml condensed milk

8 gms chinagrass

1/4 tsp vanilla essence

almonds/ cashewnuts


  1. Soak china grass in 1/2 cup water for 10 minutes.
  2. In a saucepan, combine milk and condensed milk and bring to boil on low flame.
  3. Add the roasted vermicelli and coconut into this and cook for 3-5 minutes and remove from flame.
  4. In the meantime, melt the soaked china grass in another pan on low flame, stirring continuously until the china grass melts completely.
  5. Add this melted chinagrass to the boiled milk mixture.
  6. Allow it to cool and then add the vanilla essence and nuts and mix well.
  7. Pour this to a serving dish and refrigerate till set..Garnish it with chopped nuts and serve chilled...

Recipe Source: Bennu's Cookomania