Ice Apple – Nannari Sarbath / Nungu Nannari Sarbath


4 ice apples / palm fruits / nungu
3 tbsp nannari syrup / naruneendi syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice
2 cups chilled water
2 tsp basil seeds
ice cubes


  1. Soak basil seeds in 2 tbsp water for 10 minutes.
  2. Peel and chop the ice apples into fine pieces and mash it with a spoon or masher.
  3. Add nannari syrup, lemon juice, 2 cups chilled water and basil seeds to this and mix well.
  4. Pour this sarbath into serving glasses and serve with ice cubes…
  • Nannari syrup has sugar in it, if you want more sweetness you can add extra sugar…


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