Pulav / Pulao

Food, Pulav / Pulao, Rice / Pasta

Green Peas Pulao/ Pulav

Ingredients: 3/4 cup fresh green peas 1 big onion, sliced 1 1/2 cup basmati rice 4 green chillies 1/4 cup coriander leaves 1/4 cup mint leaves 1/2″ piece ginger 2-3 small piece cinnamon 4 cloves 1/4 tsp sajeerakam 4 tbsp ghee salt Preparation: Wash the basmati rice, drain it and keep it aside. Grind green […]

Food, Pulav / Pulao, Rice / Pasta

Spinach Pulao

Ingredients: 2 cups of  basmati rice 1 tbsp whole cumin 1/2 tsp whole pepper 2 sticks of cinnamon 2 cloves 2 cardamom 2 onions, chopped 2 cups of finely chopped spinach 1/2 cup peas, boiled for 5 minutes and drained 1 small green capsicum, finely diced 1 big potato, peeled and cubed 2 tbsp sweetcorn […]