Chakka / Jackfruit Puttu

Published on 7/31/2015



1 1/2 cup puttu podi

1/2 cup grated coconut

8-10 jackfruit pieces

salt to taste

water as required


  1. Chop jackfruit into pieces.
  2. Mix little salt in water and add this water little by little to the puttu podi till it becomes wet/ moist and mix thoroughly without any lumps.
  3. To prepare puttu, take a puttu maker ( I used chiratta puttu maker) and layer it with 1 tbsp grated coconut first, then 1- 1 1/2 tbsp chopped jackfruit and then add the puttu podi .
  4. Top it with another layer of chopped jackfruit pieces and some grated coconut.
  5. Fill pressure cooker/ puttu kudam with 3-4 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  6. Place the puttu maker on top of it and steam cook for 5-7 minutes or until the steam starts coming out from the top of puttu maker. Remove it to a plate and serve hot...