Chakka / Jackfruit Puttu
Published on 7/31/2015
1 1/2 cup puttu podi
1/2 cup grated coconut
8-10 jackfruit pieces
salt to taste
water as required
- Chop jackfruit into pieces.
- Mix little salt in water and add this water little by little to the puttu podi till it becomes wet/ moist and mix thoroughly without any lumps.
- To prepare puttu, take a puttu maker ( I used chiratta puttu maker) and layer it with 1 tbsp grated coconut first, then 1- 1 1/2 tbsp chopped jackfruit and then add the puttu podi .
- Top it with another layer of chopped jackfruit pieces and some grated coconut.
- Fill pressure cooker/ puttu kudam with 3-4 cups of water and bring to a boil.
- Place the puttu maker on top of it and steam cook for 5-7 minutes or until the steam starts coming out from the top of puttu maker. Remove it to a plate and serve hot...