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Eggless Brownies

Published on December 13, 2020


1 cup plain flour

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 cup cocoa powder

3/4 cup sugar, powdered

1/4 tsp salt

5 tbsp oil

1 cup buttermilk

2 tsp instant coffee

1 tbsp hot water

1/4 cup walnuts


  1. Heat a pan and add the walnuts and toast on low flame for 5-7 minutes and then chop them and keep it aside.
  2. Mix instant coffee with the hot water and keep it aside to cool.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degree celcius. Grease and flour a square baking pan or brownie pan.
  4. In a large bowl, sift together plain flour, baking soda, cocoa powder, sugar and salt.
  5. Add oil, buttermilk and coffee mixture into this and mix thoroughly until well combined. Add chopped walnuts and mix.
  6. Pour the prepared batter to the greased pan and bake it for 20-25 minutes or until a skewer inserted at the centre of the brownie comes out clean.
  7. Remove from the oven and cool it at room temperature. Cut it into squares and serve...