Carrot Pola / Carrot Kums


2 carrots
4 eggs
4 tbsp milk powder
5 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp cardamom powder
1 tbsp ghee
2 tbsp cashew nuts
2 tbsp raisins


  1. Cut the carrots into small pieces and cook well in a pressure cooker adding little water.
  2. Then add these cooked carrots along with eggs, milk powder, sugar and cardamom powder in a blender and blend well until smooth.
  3. Heat a non stick pan , add 2 tsp ghee and fry cashew nuts and raisins and keep it aside.
  4. Add remaining ghee to the pan spreading on all the sides and bottom of the pan.
  5. Then pour the blended carrot mixture into the pan, cover it with a lid and cook on low flame.
  6. After 5-8 minutes, open the lid and spread the fried cashew nuts and raisins and then cook covered on very low flame for another 15-18 minutes or till the inserted tester comes out clean.
  7. Then flip it to another pan and cook it again for 2-3 minutes in very low flame.
  8. Remove to a serving dish, cut it into pieces and serve…


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