

1 cup white chick peas / chana
1/4 cup white sesame seeds
3 garlic cloves
1 1/2 lemon, squeezed
1/2 tsp cumin powder
1/4 tsp pepper powder
5 tbsp olive oil
salt to taste
chilli powder, for garnishing
few coriander or parsley leaves


  1. Soak the white chick peas in water for 8-9 hrs or overnight . Cook the chick peas adding little salt till soft, drain the water and keep it aside.
  2. Heat a pan and add white sesame seeds and roast well till crisp. No need to brown them.
  3. Allow it to cool and then grind it adding 2 tbsp olive oil. Tahini paste is ready…
  4. In a blender, add the cooked chick peas (reserve few for garnishing) , garlic, lemon juice, cumin powder, pepper powder, 1 1/2 tbsp prepared tahini paste, 2 tbsp olive oil and salt adding to a paste adding little water.
  5. Transfer to bowl / plate and add make a round pattern with a spoon on the hummus. Drizzle some olive oil and sprinkle chilli powder.
  6. Garnish with reserved chick peas and some coriander leaves.. Serve with pita bread, falafel, kabab etc…

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