Banana Bread Rolls


8-10 bread slices
1 large banana/ nendrapazham
1/2-3/4 cup grated coconut
2 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp cardamom powder
8 cashew nuts, chopped
few raisins
1 tbsp ghee
1-2 eggs
bread crumbs as required


  1. Peel and chop banana into small pieces.
  2. Heat ghee in a pan and fry cashew nuts and raisins and keep it aside.
  3. In the same pan, add the grated coconut and saute for 2 minutes and keep it aside.
  4. Then in the same pan, add the chopped banana and fry till it turns soft and golden in colour on medium flame.
  5. Add grated coconut, fried cashew nuts, raisins, sugar and cardamom powder to this and mix well.
  6. Remove it from the flame and keep it aside to cool.
  7. Cut the sides/ crust of the bread slices. Dip a bread slice in water just for a second and squeeze it very well between the palms.
  8. Place 1 tbsp of the prepared banana filling in the bread slice and fold/ roll it and press the edges to seal properly. Repeat the same process with other slices of bread.
  9. Beat the eggs in a bowl. Dip each bread roll in this beaten egg and then roll it in the bread crumbs.
  10. Heat oil in a pan and deep fry the rolls at medium flame until golden brown. Serve hot with tea/ coffee..
  • You can also flatten/ roll the bread using a rolling pin to make thin.



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