Unni Madhuram / Sweet Banana Dumplings


2 ripe plantains / nendrapazham, finely chopped
5-6 bread slices
1/4 tsp cardamom powder
3-4 tbsp sugar
6  chopped cashew nuts, roasted
1 tsp ghee
oil for frying


  1. Cut bread into pieces and make bread crumbs using a food processor or mixer.
  2. In a bowl, add the chopped plantains, half of the bread crumbs, cashew nuts, cardamom powder, sugar and ghee.
  3. Then mix it well with your hand and knead to form a dough.
  4. Make small balls out of this dough and roll each ball in the remaining bread crumbs and make even balls.
  5. Heat oil in a deep pan and fry each balls till golden brown on medium flame.
  6. Remove from the oil and drain them onto paper towel..Serve with tea..

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