Tag: Feijoa

Drinks, Food, Summer Specials

Feijoa – Apple Milkshake

Ingredients: 2-3 feijoas 1 apple, peeled and chopped 2 cups of chilled milk 4-5 tbsp sugar or as required Preparation: Cut feijoas in half and scoop out the flesh. In a blender, add the chopped apple, feijoa, chilled milk and sugar and blend well until smooth and creamy. Pour the prepared milkshake into serving glasses […]

Drinks, Food, Summer Specials

Feijoa Milkshake

Ingredients: 3-4 feijoas 2 cups of chilled milk 2-3 tbsp sugar or as required 1 scoop ice cream (optional) Preparation: Cut feijoas in half and scoop out the flesh. In a blender, add the scooped feijoa, chilled milk, sugar and ice cream and blend well until smooth and creamy. Pour the prepared milkshake into serving […]

Drinks, Food, Summer Specials

Feijoa – Banana Milkshake

Ingredients: 2-3 feijoas, peeled and chopped 1 large banana, peeled and chopped 2 cups of chilled milk 4-5 tbsp sugar or as required Preparation: In a blender, add the chopped feijoa, banana, chilled milk and sugar and blend well until smooth and creamy. Pour the prepared milkshake into serving glasses and serve………

Cakes, Cakes & Bakes, Food

Feijoa Cake

                                        Feijoa  is one of the fruits available in New Zealand from late March through June. Here I would like to share one of the cake recipes prepared with feijoa . My husband’s favourite cake…       Ingredients: 2 cup feijoas peeled and roughly chopped 1 cup raisins 1 cup sugar 100 gm butter, melted […]