Chocolate Covered Dates / Chocolate Dates With Almonds


15 dates
15 almonds
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips/ milk chocolate, chopped
1/4 cup white chocolate, chopped


  1. Remove the seeds/pits of the dates by making a slit on one side of the date and replace with almonds and keep it aside in a plate.
       2. Place chocolate chips in a medium heatproof bowl and keep it over a pan of simmering water until chocolate has melted and mixture is smooth. Remove it from heat.
       3. Drop the dates, one at a time, in the melted chocolate and roll gently to coat the dates. 
       4. Remove it with a spoon and carefully place on a sheet/tray lined with parchment paper. 
      5. Refrigerate for 5-10 minutes or until the chocolate has hardened.
     6. While the chocolate is hardening, melt the white chocolate in a small heatproof bowl by placing it over a pan of simmering water until chocolate has melted and smooth; allow to cool slightly.
      7. Drizzle this melted white chocolate on the dates and refrigerate until the chocolate hardens/firm..



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