Coconut Milk Puttu / Thengapal Puttu


1 cup puttu podi / rice flour
a pinch of cardamom powder
salt to taste
1 cup coconut milk (as required)
1/2 cup grated coconut


  1. In a bowl, add puttu podi , a pinch of cardamom powder and salt and mix well.
  2. Add coconut milk as required little by little till it becomes wet/ moist and mix thoroughly without any lumps.
  3. To prepare the puttu, take a chiratta puttu maker and first layer it with 1 tbsp grated coconut and then add puttu podi.
  4. Top it with some grated coconut.
  5. Fill pressure cooker/ puttu kudam with 2-3 cups of water and bring to a boil.
  6. Place the puttu maker on top of it and steam cook for 5-7 minutes or until the steam starts coming out from the top of puttu maker. 
  7. Remove it to a plate and serve hot with kadala curry or banana…

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