Egg Palak Rice


1 cup basmati rice
3 medium onions,finely chopped
4 eggs
2 tsp green chillies, finely chopped
1 cup palak / spinach, chopped
2 tomatoes, finely chopped
1 1/2- 2 tsp pepper powder
4 cloves, crushed
4 cinnamon, crushed
few coriander leaves
1 sliced onion, fried for garnishing
cashew nuts
oil/ ghee


  1. In a large pan, boil water adding enough salt. Add washed basmati rice and cook till done. Drain the water and keep it aside.
  2. Heat oil/ ghee in a pan and add crushed cinnamon and cloves and saute for a minute.
  3. Add finely chopped 3 onions and salt and saute well till transparent.
  4. Add chopped tomatoes and green chillies and saute well.
  5. Reduce the heat and add the eggs and start scrambling. Add chopped palak/ spinach and pepper powder and mix well and cook till egg is done. Check salt and add chopped coriander leaves and stir well till all the water dries up..Switch off and keep it aside.
  6. In a serving dish, add a layer of  cooked rice and then spread half of the prepared egg-palak masala. Sprinkle little pepper powder and fried onions over it.
  7. Then add a layer of remaining cooked rice and then spread remaining egg- palak masala as the top layer. Sprinkle little pepper powder and garnish it with fried onions, cashew nuts, raisins and coriander leaves. Mix well and serve hot….
Recipe Source: Surya TV


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