

2 cups rice flour
250 gm jaggery
grated coconut of 1 coconut ( about 2 cups)
1/4 tsp cardamom powder


  1. Boil 2 cups of water with salt in a saucepan.
  2. In a bowl, add rice flour and the boiled water and mix well using a wooden spoon.
  3. Then knead it well to a smooth and soft dough by using your hand, while it is still warm. Keep it aside.
  4. Melt jaggery adding little water in a pan and strain it.
  5. Heat a pan and add melted jaggery, grated coconut and cardamom powder and stir well till dry. Remove it from flame.
  6. Make lemon sized balls out of the prepared dough and roll / flatten it into small circles.
  7. Place 1 tbsp of coconut- jaggery filling on it, fold it into half and seal the edges. 
  8. Repeat the same with remaining dough and coconut-jaggery filling.
  9. Place them in a steamer and steam cook for 12-15 minutes…Remove from flame and serve…



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