Sweet Diamond Cuts


1 1/2 cup plain flour
1/4 tsp salt
1 tbsp oil
1/2 cup water
oil, for frying

For Sugar Coating:

3/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup water


  1. In a bowl, add plain flour, salt and 1 tbsp oil and mix well.
  2. Add enough water ( about 1/2 cup + 1-2 tbsp ) little by little and knead well to a soft dough. Keep it covered for 10 minutes.
  3. Then knead the dough again and divide into equal balls.
  4. Roll each ball on a floured surface into thin sheets and then using a knife, cut into diamond shapes.
  5. Heat oil in a pan and fry them in batches at medium flame till golden brown and crispy on both sides. Remove from the oil and drain them on a paper towel.
  6. In a wide non stick pan,  melt sugar in 1/2 cup of water and boil it till it reaches a one thread consistency and whitish in colour.
  7. Reduce the heat and add the fried diamond cuts and mix thoroughly until the sugar coats on the diamond cuts and crystallizes. Switch off the flame.
  8. Cool completely and store in an air tight container…..


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